I woke up it was 7
I waited till 11
Just to figure out that no one would call
I think i got a lot of friends but I don't hear from them
What's another night all alone?
When your spending everyday on your own
And here it goes
I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Having more fun than me
And maybe when the night is dead, I'll crawl into my bed
Staring at these 4 walls again
I'll try to think about the last time, I had a good time
Everyone's got somewhere to go
And they're gonna leave me here on my own and here it goes
I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Having more fun than me
What the hell is wrong with me?
Don't fit in with anybody
How did this happen to me?
Wide awake I'm bored and I can't fall asleep
And every night is the worst night ever
I'm just a kid [repeat x5]
I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world.
I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world
Nobody cares, cause I'm alone and the world is
Having more fun than me tonight
I'm all alone tonight
Nobody cares tonight
Cause I'm just a kid tonight
felkeltem, ppen 7 ra volt
vrtam 11ig
s rjttem hogy senki sem fog hvni (telefonon)
gy hiszem sok bartom van
De nem hallok rluk semmit
Mi egy jabb jjel egyedl,
mikor minden napodat egyedl tltd?
s itt jn hogy
n cska egy gyerek vagyok
s az let egy rmlom
n csak egy gyerek vagyok
Tudom, ez nem fer (tisztessges inkbb)
Senkit sem rdekel
Mert egyedl vagyok s a vilgnak
tbb a humora mint nekem ma este (mrmint lvezetesebb a vilg mint n)
n mikor az jszaka elmlik
n bezuhanok az gyamba
s nzem a 4 falat megint
s prblok arra gondolni mikor volt
nekem j napom
Mindenki megy valahova
s k itthagynak engem egyedl
Mi a fene rossz velem?
Nem passzolok senkihez
Hogy trtnhetett ez meg velem?
s mikzben unatkozom s nemtudok elaludni
minden jszaka a legrosszabb
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